Tactical Kung Fu and MMA - Durham, NC

Black Belt

  • Self-Defense

    Women's Self-Defense

    At tkfmma, we don't have a self-defense class for women because almost all of our classes teach self-defense for women! For a self-defense technique to be good it needs to be simple, require little to no strength, and the more your opponent resists, the worse it is for THEM! You can definitely adapt lots of techniques for self-defense because some self-defense is better than no self-defense. However, for a technique to be good it needs to follow that criteria. That's why there's a high degree of fitness in the classes because otherwise it'd be "Lazy-Man's Martial Arts" and you wouldn't even break a sweat. We don't teach stuff that only men can do. We have something for everyone because we want you to be the best you possible! Exceptions would be for specific situations like wearing high heels and that's what the private lessons are for or the YouTube videos on our channel.  

    Custom Seminars & Lessons

    We specialize in adapting martial arts fit to a wide range of situations and people, focusing on client-specific instruction. So seminars can be customized to a variety of audiences to meet the needs of those participating. These include, but are not limited to:

    • Women
    • Children
    • Teens
    • College students
    • Law enforcement
    • Military personnel
    • The elderly
    • The physically handicapped

    Additionally, a “seminar series” over the course of a few months can be established, where each seminar leads into the next, and allows for more advanced skill development of participants over time. Often, individuals seek personal instruction and opt for a more one on one experience.


    It's Not Always Simple

    The self-defense techniques are simple, the self-defense situations are often not. As great as it would be to have a set number of techniques that work for everyone, against everyone, in every situation regardless of weapon, it's just not realistic. There are too many variables. One cannot accurately defend themselves from something if they don't know what that something is. That's why we are a mixed martial art. It's not enough to know what you can do in every situation, it's also knowing what everyone else can do in every situation. To that end, we are always learning and training in the hopes that we never have to use what we know. Self-defense is also not limited to physical attackers. There are many factors and topics that are often not addressed in other schools that we cover here. 



  • The Dragon Method

    Introducing The Dragon Method!

    A website filled with martial arts instructional videos.

    First up is teaching you how to teach martial arts!

    Check out the video, flyer, and website!

    You can try it out or go for a full membership that's continually updated with new material. 


  • Unity Seminar 2023

    4 Instructors, 3 Days, 2 Prices, 1 Epic Event! 

    Day 1: Friday 7PM - 9PM

    This is a Meet and Greet with demos! You meet your instructors and see some of what you'll be doing.

    Day 2: Saturday 9AM - 11AM

    Master Robert Goff

    Arnis Espada y Daga and Uechi Ryu Kata applications for Self-Defense 

    11AM - 1PM

    Tuhon Brandon Jordan

    Derobio Escrima, single stick self-defense and Kuntao Silat empty hand applications

    2:30PM - 4:30PM

    Master Jason Davis

    Ohana Jiu-Jitsu and Tracy Kenpo Karate

    Day 3: Sunday 9AM - 11AM

    Dr. Jerome Barber

    Zanghi Kenpo-Arnis, double stick techniques with empty hand applications

    11AM - 1PM

    Review plus Q&A with presenters


    For early online registration you can click here or on the image.

    Contact tkfmma for hotel information 



Contact Information:

Tactical Kung Fu and Mixed Martial Arts 4228C Garrett Road Durham, NC 27707 phone: 919-213-1705

Copyright Goldsmith Kung Fu, LLC © 2014. All Rights Reserved.